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Friday, April 1, 2016

Tool for Trauma Healing: PST and More!! Please Share this.

Trauma Clearing

Helping Emotions Heal

Written by Dr. Michael Schlosser and Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser

Emotional energy is the feminine energy of alpha brainwave awareness. Now is the time that this level of awareness is going through awakening, healing and balancing within the Children of Light and Love all over the world.
Uncomfortable feelings should not be bottled up any longer, denied, or suppressed by chemicals or addictive behavior. Attempts to "make negative feelings go away", or bypass them with "positive thinking", are ways of denying and avoiding AND NOT LOVING wounded feelings that need unconditional love from the adult self for the inner wounded child to heal. Most powerful negative feelings go back to earlier emotional wounding, and when negative feelings come up in day to day life, the inner child is crying out to be heard, validated and comforted. On the other side of the coin, acting out negative feelings creates more negative feelings. The answer is to not act out or deny wounded feelings, but to go within and heal the feelings themselves. Feelings are the water element, and like water, cleanse and purify through flowing freely and safely in an atmosphere of unconditional all encompassing love.

Ways of Processing Emotions

Healing the Divine Feminine Force of feeling and form.

Eye Movement in Flowing Emotions

Remember to use eye-movement exercise while letting emotions flow. If necessary,this can be done very privately in public situations by pretending to read a book or look at a monitor. Tune into your feelings and move the eyes left to right and back and forth over and over again at a speed, from very slow to fast, that is comfortable to you.
This works with the eyes opened or closed. Pay attention to the feelings and let the feelings flow and go through their changes, while the memories and the insights come. Eye movement shifts the emotional energy back and forth from one hemisphere of the brain to the other, allowing the energy to process. This is the same technique that the body uses naturally every night in dreaming. By moving the eyes back and forth, right to left to right to left, etc., at any speed slow or fast, the emotional energy is shifted from one brain hemisphere to the other. This allows the psyche to create spontaneous insights and healing images that heal the painful memories as feelings are allowed to flow.

Ten Minute Exercise

Try This With A Partner

Get with your partner and agree on a time to do some emotional dialogue. Usually it is good to limit this to about thrity minutes, although whatever feels right is the best guide.
First you do the ten minute exercise and then switch roles and let your partner do ten minutes.
Your partner acts as a facilitator and you decide on the question you would like him or her to ask you, such as "what's bothering you today?" or "what is coming up for you today?" Its best to express your feelings using 'juice' words, or words relating to exactly how you feel, instead of an intellectual detached description of how you feel ( mentalising).
An example of mentalizing would be, "The finances are in terrible shape and Junior is staying out too late." An example of using 'juice' words, which is more conducive to expressing feelings, [as in, "where's the feeling energy?"], would be, "I feel very anxious and worried about the finances. In fact, I am feeling overwhelmed and scared." "I am feeling a little anxious about Junior staying out too late."
In any situation, there are usually a mixture of feelings, some positive and some negative. A good idea: Do a negative/positive question. Your partner asks you, "What negative and positive feelings are up for you now?" First you say what it is that is negative that you are feeling and then you express any positive emotions. The partner says "Thank you for sharing" or "thanks" and keeps asking the question over again and you answer with first a negative and then a positive expression of your feelings using 'juice words' and staying with the feelings as they come up.
The positive/negative exercise is especially balancing, opening up whatever you may be in denial about in both areas of what is troublesome in your life as well as what good is going on.
Remember that feelings are just feelings, they do not have to be rational.
The facilitator does not offer advice, interrupt, or try to "fix it" in any way. He/she just listens and then asks the question again when you are finished. It is a way of "peeling" the onion of your feelings. Emotional healing must come from inside, and the advice of another person, no matter how wise and well-intentioned, cannot substitute for your own inner revelations and healing. If you are the one asking the question, do not interrupt the person answering if he or she goes silent, with a far away look in the eye....this is the most pregnant time for inner change and insights.These long silent pauses are the most important time for deep inner work.
As you continue this process you eventually arrive at the core feelings. Usually, just doing this much clears the air and brings you back to yourself. If it doesn't, even after repeating it a few times, you may need to do a trauma clearing.
If you need to do emotional processing and do not have a partner, follow the directions exactly as if you did have one, carefully doing each step and perhaps writing them down.

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